AI driven conversation management

Say hello to Engagement Bot

Agent LQ qualifies your leads in 3 steps

Step-1: Engage

Engage with website visitors, collecting lead relevant data

Step-2: Analyse

Analyse the data and convert them into lead with quality score

Step-3: Act

Assign the lead to relevant agent or team on BOW CMP


Agent LQ is programmed to dynamically engage prospects with smart, context-aware questions, creating a personalized experience that resonates.

Humanized Conversations

Adaptive Responses

Simple Language



Our Agent LQ isn’t just a chatter; it’s an analytical genius. As conversations unfold, it intelligently analyzes user data in real-time, understanding the use case, and creates a summary + lead score for the human to take over.

Insightful Summaries

Lead Scoring

Detailed Analytics

Actionable Data

Lead Score: 8
The conversation is with a real estate sales company based in Bangalore looking for a WhatsApp CMP solution. They need 10 users in total. Their response speed seemed pretty fast, this might be a promising lead. Hence I have scheduled a demo for tomorrow, 20-11-2023, 11:30AM. If any changes, you can mail them at


Say goodbye to manual lead assignments. Agent LQ assigns leads to the most relevant agents or teams or labels instantly on BOW CMP, streamlining your sales process for maximum efficiency.

Automated Assignments

Strategic Routing

Opportunity Conversion

10X Efficiency

Regular Chatbot

Basic engagement with generic scripts
Generic data provided to sales teams
No lead quality funnel, time wasted on useless leads
Manual assignment consumes resources
Limited by rigid static rules

BOW Lead Qualifier bot

Personalized interactions
Offers detailed, real-time context for faster deals
Lead quality funnel helps prioritize leads
Auto-assignment saves 20% support bandwidth
Adaptable dynamic rules that evolve with your business
Enhance Customer Support with BOW Engagement bots
While Agent LQ excels in lead qualification, the engagement bot’s capabilities extend beyond just sales
24/7 assistance

Delight customers, combining bots and human agents for fast, friendly response times. Intervene only when routed.

Instant ticketing

Let your customers raise tickets from the website chatbot itself. BOW AI bot will push them to your CMP.

Trainable bots

Train BOW’s AI support bot on your website data. Keep track of FAQs and improve customer satisfaction.

With multi language support and integration with other platforms like, WhatsApp, Line Chat, Instagram, Messenger and many more, leverage your visitors and convert them into useful leads with our super intelligent AI bots. And not just that, you can manage ALL your leads on one platform – BOW CMP.

Pricing that fits your need.

AI powered
Lead Qualifying bot
Support bot

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